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Bramley St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

Journeying Together With God

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Hello and welcome to our class page.

Here you will find out about all the wonderful and exciting things your child has done at school.

The children have created their very own mission statement for the new academic year.

Our topic for Spring 2 is...All Things Bright and Beautiful 

Our BIG QUESTION is... Why is our world a place of wonder?


Some of our class texts we will be using throughout Spring 2.



The children  followed instructions on how to plant a sunflower🌻.
They will observe them carefully as part of the science topic during the spring term. The children will then get to take their sunflowers home and continue to look after them. ☀️ 💦 🌻 
The children had an amazing time for World Book Day, celebrating our love for reading. It was lovely to have parents and carers in sharing stories with the children!

Our topic for Spring 1 is...Destination Outer Space!  

Our BIG QUESTION is... is there anyone out there?

Some of our class texts we will be reading this half term...


The children have enjoyed learning about Neil Armstrong and understanding why he is significant. They looked at a range of sources and evidence to include in their own fact files. The children also enjoyed learning about Helen Sharman and Tim Peake; comparing their different space expeditions. They also looked at different communication devices used from Earth to Space and Space to Earth, and how these have changed over time. 

Steve from Starchaser came to visit. He taught Y1 all about rockets and what it is like to launch one. He even brought a real rocket that had been launched into space and returned. 🚀 

Our TOPIC for Autumn 2 is...Into the Woods

Our BIG QUESTION is... What would the Gruffalo find in the woods?


Image result for woodland picture with animals

Some of the texts we will be reading this half term

The children have written autumn sensory poems based on their own autumnal experiences.

The children had a fanstatic time at Nell Bank learning about woodlands animals.

Badger SNIFF 🍂

Pretending to be moles and using their sense of touch. 😊

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Playing owl and mouse 🦉🐭

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Playing 🦊 and 🐰

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Our TOPIC this half term is...Incredible ME!

Our BIG QUESTION is... Who am I?

Some of our class texts we will be exploring this half term. 


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The children are learning about belonging in RE. They all attended a wedding at Trinity Methodist Church. ⛪️
The children have really enjoyed reading and writing about Supertato. They also enjoyed being illustrators too. 😊
The children were very excited to take their soft toys to Bramley library. The librarian read lots of stories.📚

Growth Mindset


The children have  been discussing growth mindset and why it is important. We talked about Professor Perseverance, Inspector Independence, Major Mistake and Captain Challenge.



We also read the book:


Image result for y fantastic elastic brain


The children then got the opportunity to explore a brain made out of jelly!



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Settling in...


The children have settled well in their new classroom. They have been busy playing in the hospital role play area, completing jigsaws and also practising their counting, number and letter formation. We have also been practising our 'Phase 3' phonics.

The children have enjoyed reading stories with their friends in our calm and cosy woodland-themed reading area. 
