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Bramley St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

Journeying Together With God

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Summer 2

Our topic this half term is...A Toy Story

Our Big Question is... How have toys changed over time?

Summer 1

Our topic this half term is...Wild in Africa!

Our Big Question is... What is it like to live in Kenya compared to Bramley?

Spring 2

Our topic this half term is...All Things Bright and Beautiful

Our Big Question is... Why is our world a place of wonder?

The children went on a plant hunt in the schools grounds. They identified lots of wild and garden plants. 🌷🌻🌼

World Book Day 2023! Can you guess any of the characters? 📚🤩

Fabulous ‘book in a box’ creations. The children enjoyed looking at them. 📚🤩

Spring 1

Our topic this half term is...Destination Outer Space!

Our Big Question is...Is there anyone out there?

The children took part in 'Safer Internet Day' learning how to keep themselves safe online. The theme this year was 'Want to talk about it?' The children played games which encouraged them to ask for help.

The children had so much fun investigating what happens when you mix water, food colouring and oil together. Lots of 'awe and wonder' watching the water fireworks!

The children are looking at sources of evidence of the moon landing.

During healthy inside and out day, the children discussed how different things make them feel and who they can talk to when they experience such 'big' feelings.

Autumn 2

Our topic this half term is...Into the Woods

Our Big Question is...What will the Gruffalo find in the woods?

The children have taken their own pictures of Andy Goldsworthy inspired creations using natural objects.


The children have been creating their 2023 calendars.








Listening to Tidy by Emily Gravett 🦡😊📚

Tidy up that mess! Can we recycle everything? 🦡🐾🪵🌲🧹🧽🧼🪣

Minibeast hunting 🪱🐛🐞🕷🐜🕸

Building a house for Pete the badger at Nell Bank 🍁🦡

Outdoor fun at Nell Bank 🌲🌳🍂🍁🍄

Badger bongos

Still image for this video

🎵 🎵🎵

Still image for this video

Water play at Nell Bank 💦🍂

Our topic this half term is...Incredible Me
Our Big Question is...Who am I?
