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Bramley St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

Journeying Together With God

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Spring 1 

Our big question for this half term is:

Why is metal marvellous?

Throughout this unit we will explore metals and forces and learn: 

• Forces can be pushes or pulls.

• Friction is a force that acts between two surfaces or objects that are moving (or trying to move) across each other.

• Magnets exert attractive and repulsive forces on each other.

• Magnets exert non-contact forces, which work through some materials.

• Magnets exert attractive forces on some materials which are affected by magnet strength, object mass, distance from object and object material.

Autumn 2 

Our big question for this half term is: 

What lies beneath the Earth?

Throughout this unit we will: 

• The structure of the Earth.

• Features of a volcano.

• Famous volcanoes and earthquakes.

• Effects of volcanoes and earthquakes.

• Preparing for an earthquake.

• What it’s like living near a volcano

Autumn 1 

Our big question for this half term is:

Was it better to live in the Stone Age, Iron Age or Bronze Age?

Throughout this unit we will:

• Consider how the late Neolithic hunter/gatherers and early farmers lived and survived, including those at Skara Brae.

• Look at the Bronze Age religion, technology and travel, for example, Stonehenge.

• The children will research the Iron Age hill forts, tribal kingdoms, farming, art and culture.
