Summer 2
Big Question: Who lives happily ever after?
Once Upon a Time
Stay and play sports theme
Our final stay and play session we enjoyed our fabulous outdoor space and got active. We had skipping, hockey, football, and basketball. The weather held off and lots of energy and exercise was had by all.
Grandparents and special family friend afternoon tea
We welcomed our grandparents and family friends to celebrate our learning and have afternoon tea together. We made sandwiches and gingerbread man for our special guests. We got to play and share special, precious time together. Our grandparents loved seeing how happy the children were in school and that being here celebrating together had made one grandmas week.
Summer 1
Big Question: What’s it like inside an egg
(Down on the farm)
Wow what a busy first 2 weeks. We kicked started our new topic by planting sunflower seeds and welcomed some duck eggs. 3 ducklings hatched and we have loved getting to know them and learn about the life cycle and life of ducks. This has been a great hands on experience which teaches the children about gentleness, caring for others and the nature world.
Stay and play using the scrap shed
Our half termly stay and play this time incorporated our scrap shed. We had lots of fun getting creative and making lots of things out of recycled material. We had boats, cars going to Reighton Sands, houses and families playing hide and seek. The weather was on our side and it was lovely to spend such lovely time with our family and friends outside.
Cannon Hall Farm
We have had a fabulous day at the farm. We got to immerse ourselves into the daily life of the farm and see many different animals first hand. This allowed our topic to really come to life and have real meaning. The children loved seeing all the animals and their young. It stayed dry so in the afternoon we had chance to explore the fantastic adventure playground.
Spring 2
BIG QUESTION: How do we get there?
Our learning this term has been based around different modes of transport. We have been transported on a plane, 100 decker bus and a great train ride. We have been refining our sentence writing with increased independence and using our phonics including diagraphs. In maths the focus has been building 9&10 including knowing all our bonds to 10. We also have had a trip to Costa Coffee and Bramley library exploring our local area. We have also enjoyed some sunnier days and learning outside.
Easter Stay and Play
We had an Easter theme this half term with Easter nest making, painting and egg colouring. It was lovely to welcome so many parents and carers and for the children to share their learning.
Spring 1
Big Question - How are the Arctic and Antarctica different?
Spring 1 Stay and Play
Our stay and play this half term had a winter feel. We enjoyed painting snowflakes, having sparkle in the play dough, building and making igloos as well as building a paper penguins. Lots of wonderful playing and sharing with the adults in our lives.
Science Week
This term we have had science day across school. Reception have had fun exploring solids and liquids. We sorted solids and liquids and then predicted which would be the fastest and slowest liquid. In the afternoon we then carried out the experiment. The children continued this learning outside. Some great new vocabulary learnt and the children showed a great understanding. We have some great mini scientist in our midst.
World Book Day 2024
World Book Day in reception. We have had great day in reception dressing up as a ‘word’. We had words such as care, magical, moody and prehistoric to name a few. We had a mystery story time with a surprise visitor and a master class in being an illustrator from Rob Biddulph
We have had an amazing day.
Autumn 2 Stay and Sparkle
We have had our second stay and play session. It was lovely to see so many parents and carers. The children loved sharing their learning environment with them. As it was the 1st December our theme was to add a little Christmas sparkle to the session.
This term our focus has been looking at the season of Winter and looking at weather from both Poles. Our English has focused on using our tricky words and digraphs in simple sentences. Our texts have included Here comes Jack Frost and Poles Apart. In maths we have been looking at odd and even numbers, doubles and the composition of 6,7,8. The cold weather allowed us to explore ice outside and how and when it freezes. The children have also been continuing to work on their fine motor skills.
In RE we have been looking at the key question ‘why is the world so important to Christians?’ The children have been considering who and what is important to them and why.
WOW! What a busy few weeks we have had. We have been busy looking at many different types of celebrations including, Diwali, carnivals and birthdays. In English we have been looking at instructions and bossy words after reading Cake by Sue Hendra. In our classes we made a cake to gain a better understanding of what a bossy word is and how we write instructions. In Maths we have been using the part whole model to make numbers 4 and 5 as well as looking at the properties of circle and triangles. In RE we have been looking at why Christains perform a nativity play and we have been looking at the Christmas story in more detail. We also continue to have lots of opportunties to explore our inside and outside provision. The most recent cold snap led to some great discussions about ice and when it melts and when it freezes.
Autumn 2
Big Question - What do we celebrate?
Our first two weeks back at school have been full of lots of learning and fun. We started the term with our inside out day relating to PSHE and then we read Gordon’s great escape and did some work to describe what his balloon was like. We have learnt about Remembrance Day and why we wear a poppy. We have read Binny’s Diwali and explored this Hindu festival of light which included making Bafir, as well as looking at nursery rhymes in national nursery rhyme week. In maths we have been investigating the properties of circles and triangles along with the composition of 1,2,3. In our provision we have had lots of discussion about what we celebrate and the many different events and birthdays are firm favourite. On Friday 17th November we supported Children in Need and did lots of Pudsey Bear and yellow based activities.
Funky Fingers
As part of our learning provision we regularly provide fine motor activities. These activities strengthen the children’s hands and warm them up ready for mark making, painting and exploring outside. Here is a few photos showing some of the activities we have done this half term.
We have settled into our school routines well and we are still enjoying exploring our learning environment. We have been looking at what makes us me as part of our marvellous me topic. We have started our phonics and already beginning to blend our CVC words. In maths we have been looking at repeated patterns and matching and sorting.
Autumn 1
Big Question - How can we make friends?
Autumn 1 stay and play
We have had a great first play and stay session in reception with our parents and carers. We incorporated the session with bring a stick to school day. Thank you to all those that attended. The children loved sharing their classroom and learning with you.
Our first week in school