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Bramley St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

Journeying Together With God

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Week 2

Hello Year 3!  Week beginning 30th March 2020.


How are you? I hope you're completing plenty of work for us to mark! We look forward to seeing it. Remember to get some fresh air... this week we've included an exercise challenge!



Read a book a day to another member of your family... little brother or sister, mum, dad or even the cat! I hope they like your choices. Complete your reading record so we can see what you read and who it was for.



Try the challenge below. ADDITION with animals' feet. Draw or write your answers on the sheet.



Watch and enjoy this video about Ancient Rome - add to your facts about the Romans.

(Start at 45 seconds to avoid the adverts for the site)


P.E.  Exercise diary

Choose 3 exercises a day (from the list, or your own) and do 20 of them. Record in an exercise diary.      e.g. Monday 20 sit ups, 20 star jumps and 20 hops


Remember those fitness sessions with Mr Anderson!!

sit ups, burpees, step ups (use a step), hops, jumps, squats, high arm stretches, star jumps, lunges, mountain climbers, ball kicks, ball catches, press ups, wall sit (count to 20), skips...



Type play snake into Google. Move the snake to eat the apples with the 4 arrow keys. DON'T crash into the edges!!



