Teacher - Miss Hastings
Teaching Assistant - Miss Kittsen
If you have any questions or concerns...
Miss Hastings is available: 8am- 8:30am Mon - Thurs or after 3:30pm Mon, Tues and Thurs.
Miss Kittsen is available in breakfast club everyday from about 7:45am
Mornings are very busy at school and we are unable to discuss concerns in detail with you in the playground - however it is important to us and would like you to come and see us at one of the times above.
PE - Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Children will need both their indoor and outdoor kits, including trainers.
Music - Wednesdays
Homework - Sent out on a Friday and collected the following Wednesday.
Lunches - Children are entitled to a free school dinner. If you would like your child to have one, please contact the office. Children are welcome to bring packed lunches.