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Summer Term 2- 1st June

 Hello Year 6!  

We are approaching a new phase again- this time next week some of you will be coming back into school whilst some of you will still be learning at home. It is important to know that if you are coming into school it will be different to before the lockdown. We will do everything we can to help you have a smooth transition back into school but there are new rules and systems in place.

This week we are going to give you some activities to help you begin to process these new changes so that you can have questions in mind to ask next week. 


If you are learning from home still then from next week we will be sharing any work completed in school via the website or Seesaw. 


Activities for this week

  • What changes are important to me? Create a mindmap which answers this question. Talk to family members or friends about different changes that can happen in your life. 
  • How have humans changed over time? Explore the Theory of Evolution. Read about the scientist Charles Darwin and answer the reading comprehension questions about him. Use the information and your own research to create a leaflet about Charles Darwin. 
  • How has British history changed over the last 100 years? Research any laws that have been changed in the UK and how that has impacted on human rights. Research the prime ministers- what are their main achievements? Create a PowerPoint, poster, leaflet or just a notes page to share your findings. 
  • How do I feel about coming back to school? Write a diary entry, speak to a family member or friend, create a vlog about your thoughts and feelings about the 'new normal' at school. What do you have expected to change? What are you looking forward to? Are you worried about anything? Are you unsure about anything? Although you can not bring anything into school with you, you could share anything on Seesaw before or bring you ideas in your head as there will be time to ask questions. 


Remember to share anything that you do on Seesaw! Also continue to explore the BBC Bitesize website for short lessons. 


We are really looking forward to seeing some of you back next week smiley


Miss Buxton and Miss Garner
