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Bramley St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

Journeying Together With God

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Welcome to 1JC's class page. On here you will see what we have been learning in school.


This week we have been looking at the rules.


Show me 5 smiley

Eyes are looking

Ears are listening

Hands are still

We are sitting smartly

Mouths are quiet


Look how smartly we are all sat on our first day!

Our class mission statement. We all put a thumb print on it to show we agree.


Easter Experience Day 2022

The children used playdough to make the tomb of Jesus.

We went to church and heard the story of Jesus rising again. Octavian kindly agreed to be Jesus wrapped in cloth.

Back in class we passed around a stone and discussed how the people must have felt seeing Jesus die. We then reordered the story.

We celebrated our World Book Day differently this year. The children used a shoe box and turned it into their favourite story. Which is your favourite?



We have been making collages in the style of Hanoch piven.

Design and Technology

This term we have been practising our sewing skills. We were able to link it to our English lessons all about Red Riding Hood and made some puppets!


We will be reading some of these fantastic books!

Look at our amazing poems!






In English we will be …

writing simple sentences, thinking carefully about what we are writing before we write it. We will be remembering to use our capital letters, full stops and fingers spaces to make our writing clear to others. Over this half term we will begin to practise using cursive handwriting.


We will be reading lots of books including these...

Superhero Day


In Maths we will be …

learning all about the numbers to 20 and how to represent them in different ways.

We will be practising counting forwards and backwards, and counting one more and one less.

We will also be ordering numbers and comparing their values.

We will also be learning about …

Incredible Me!” In science we will be labelling parts of the body and looking at how we change as we grow.


We will be learning about different art techniques to help us draw our self-portraits using a variety of different art tools.


In geography we will look at where we live and develop our map and fieldwork skills.


In RE we will be learning about ‘Belonging’                                 We will be thinking about the questions:                                          Who am I? and What does it mean to belong?

Design and Technology

Our rainbow salad


Art in the style of Hanoch Piven


We attended a mock wedding at the church.
