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Bramley St Peter's Church of England (VA) Primary School

Journeying Together With God

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At Bramley St Peter’s we believe in the uniqueness of every child and seek to offer all children a broad and balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum which provides consistency and continuity of teaching throughout the school. We have high expectations of all children and will seek to put support in place, when needed, at the earliest possible stage.


We recognise that children have a wide range of needs including speech, language and communication needs, cognitive difficulties, social and emotional difficulties and physical/ sensory difficulties and that their needs may change over time. We work hard in partnership with our pupils, parents/carers and other professionals to meet those needs. 


Our provision is detailed below but if you would like to speak to our SENDCO in more detail about your child, please ring school on 0113 2559680 or e-mail 


Please note information about our complaints procedure is within our SEND policy.


Accessibility plan

Useful Links for Parents and Carers



We have an email address set up for parents/carers wishing to contact school about any concerns or queries they may have relating to their child's special educational needs or disabilities. 

The email address is:

Please get in touch if you need any support or advice. We will try to respond as soon as possible, but please be aware that responses may not be immediate. 

Thank you

