Design and Technology Intent
At Bramley St. Peter’s we intend to develop creativity, enthusiasm and practical skills within DT. These skills will benefit the children as they progress through school, and into their future lives. Using the KAPOW scheme of work, children are exposed to a wide range of opportunities to explore, design, make and evaluate. They acquire a depth of subject knowledge and draw upon disciplines across the curriculum such as maths, art and science. We nurture our children, acknowledging each child’s individual skills and abilities, enabling them to take risks and be creative and reflective learners. Our DT curriculum enables children to discover new experiences, possibilities, and skills, understanding the importance that DT plays in our rapidly changing world.
Design technology is taught in units for three half terms of the year, which is alternated with art and design. Our children will create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems, and food products (cooking and nutrition).