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Welcome to our Nursery page

Information for Parents and Carers

On this page we hope to share information about what we have been learning, photographs, comments and pieces of work with you.

Staff in Nursery


Nursery Class Teacher:  Mrs Mullarkey

Support Staff:  Mrs Hall, Mrs Kay and Mrs Crowther

Miss Spence will also be teaching in Nursery Tuesday mornings

and Thursday afternoons. 

Summer 2:   Fairy Tales

                Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?     

Summer 1:  Minibeasts

           Are all minibeasts scary?

Our ‘Minibeast’ topic shelves

Spring 2:  Wheels

             Why are wheels round?

Our ‘Wheels’ topic shelves

This week we are learning about 0 and 1.


Today we practised forming the numerals 0 and 1

on our large roll of paper.

Spring 1:  Bears

             Would you like to go on a bear hunt?

Some of our displays in the Nursery classroom

The classroom was set up for our Stay and Play sessions with lots of lovely bear activities 

A big thank you to all the parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters who came to our stay and play sessions.

Our stay and play photographs from the morning session.

Our stay and play photographs from the afternoon session.

We read the book ‘This is the bear and the picnic lunch’

and then the children made their own sandwiches. 

Science Day in Nursery

We had an amazing day looking at floating and sinking and then Miss Spence brought in some amazing science objects for us to investigate. 

Here are the super photographs we took

to share with you.


To finish off our topic about ‘Bears’ 

we had two teddy bears’ picnics

with all the bears we have been playing with

and learning about over the half term.

Autumn 2:  Colours, Patterns and Sounds

             What is your favourite colour?

Creating wonderful firework pictures

The children painted poppies for

Remembrance Day

Parachute fun in the Nursery Outdoor Area

Our stay and play sessions with a Christmas theme.

We all had a wonderful glittery time. 

Photoraphs of the Nursery children’s artwork

for the Art and Writing School Project

and the display on the wall behind shows the

seahorse the children created for the

school art challenge using only one colour. 


Well done Nursery 

Autumn 1:  Settling In, All About Me

             Who looks after me?

Our first few weeks in Nursery


The children have settled well into the Nursery routines and have enjoyed exploring the indoor and outdoor environments. 

They are making friends and having lots of fun together! 

Well done Nursery, you are little superstars!

Printing Pictures


The children have been learning about ‘Harvest’ in Nursery and then they enjoyed printing pictures with some fruits and vegetables. 

Our first Stay and Play sessions


Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to play in Nursery and

little brothers and sisters too of course.  

Exploring pumpkins 🎃 

We went on a walk in the school grounds

to look for signs of autumn 🍂 
