School dinners
Our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are entitled to free school dinners. Please note this is different than ‘Free School Meals’. Entitlement to Free School Meals is based on receiving specific benefits. If you believe your child is entitled to Free School Meals please speak to one of the office team or click on this link
The cost for Key Stage 2 (years 3 to 6) is currently £2.75 per day (£13.75 for the week). Payment can be made in the school office or online via ParentPay and needs to be made in advance. Any debt reaching £50 will be followed up with parents/carers and non-payment may result in the service being withdrawn and a packed lunch being required for the child (provided from home).
Changing a child between packed lunches and school dinners can be done by speaking to Mrs Dutson in the office or e-mailing
Please note there is a week’s notice required due to the ordering system for the kitchen team. Also children must be on the same meal choice for the entire week eg pack lunch or dinner for the full week. It is not possible to change mid week or only have dinners on some days.
From September 2024 we were aiming for all school meals to be booked via the ParentPay platform. Unfortunatley there have been several technical issues and this has not worked. We are currently working on these issues and hope to have a simplified version of online meal choice shortly.
We will keep you updated as to when the new system will go live again. We ae aiming to put online meal choice in place for when our menu changes in February, 2025. We will send out advance notice of when this will take place.
All children in Reception receive milk along with children across school who are entitled to Free School Meals.
From Year 1 upwards milk needs to be ordered for children to receive it if they are not entitled to Free School Meals (Universal Infant School Meals does not apply to this). This is done online and children need to be registered via The cost of milk is 28p per day. Milk can be ordered for a term or the full academic year. Please note your child will not receive milk unless you have ordered it online.