Football skills
We’re having fun in PE learning to dribble the ball with control.
Eggciting times
Reception have some eggciting news. After 3 days in the incubator the chicks started to hatch. We’re now enjoying watching them grow and holding them.
Healthy: Inside and Out
In Reception we are learning to build respectful relationships that help us to feel happy and safe. Today we talked about what qualities make a good friend. The children drew and wrote about themselves being a good friend, they made collage pictures of their friends, wrote cards to their friends and shared toys. Well done Reception!
Exploring high and low
The children had lots of fun exploring the apparatus and moving at high and low levels.
9 and 10
Reception are recognising, counting and ordering numbers up to 10. We’re working hard to count accurately and some of children can say how many without counting!
World Book Day
Taller or shorter?
The children compared their towers, describing whether they were taller or shorter than their friends towers.
Champion Gymnasts
The children worked hard in PE today to develop their gymnastic moves. They practised pointing their fingers and toes as they explored low movements and shapes.
Brilliant Bikes
Healthy: Inside and Out
We enjoyed talking about our feelings and drawing them on our body template. We thought carefully about what we can do to help us feel calm and happy. In our PE lesson we worked hard to be ‘Champion Gymnasts.’
Stay and Play
We had a lot of fun today with our parents who came into school to join in with lots of exciting activities.
The children had great fun investigating Slippery Slopes. They sorted a selection of items into liquids and solids and impressed us with their explanations. They then predicted which of the liquids would be the fastest and slowest down our slopes. We conducted a test to find out if our predictions were accurate or not. The children also enjoyed investigating a range of solids and liquids including ice, kinetic sand and their very own potion making station. Science is so much fun!
Counting 6 7 8
Reception have been working hard to practise their counting skills. They are also trying to say how many without counting.
Ball skills
This half term we are focusing on ball skills in PE. The children impressed us today with their ability to keep control of the ball, as they rolled, bounced and dribbled around the gym showing off what they could do.
Evil Pea Rules
Evil Pea has captured Supertato. The children have been helping to escape from the ice and creating their own Supertato characters.
Number 6
The children are ordering, counting and investigating different ways to make 6. They are starting to recognise that 6 can be made up of smaller numbers.
Brilliant Building
We were impressed by the teamwork the children displayed as they created small worlds and snowball runs in the construction area.
Terrific Transient Art
The children were inspired by our story about penguins.
The children have loved reading our new topic book The Problem with Penguins. They enjoyed making a list of what they would pack in their suitcase if they went on an adventure to an iceberg. In our creative areas they used collage and junk modelling to create their own penguins.
Healthy: Inside and Out Day
Today we have started our spring term by thinking about what we are good at and what we find challenging. We read the story of the dot by Peter Reynolds. It is all about a little girl called Vashti who thinks she cannot draw. The book inspired us all to have a go at creating dot pictures in different ways. Our Healthy: Inside and Out Days help us to settle back into school after a holiday and develop our sense of well being.
One of our favourite authors is Sue Hendra. This week we’re enjoying reading one of her books called Cake. Cake is invited to a party but has to make a quick escape before he is eaten. The story inspired us to read and follow instructions for how to make a cake, create cake inspired artwork and carry out a taste test at the end of the day.
Christmas countdown
The countdown to Christmas has started. All the children in Reception visited Santa in his grotto. He reminded them to go to sleep early on Christmas Eve.
One more one less
This week we are investigating one more and one less. We’re finding it quite tricky to find one less!
The children have been learning about how Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is celebrated. They have been making their own rangoli patterns and diyas.
Anti-bullying day 2022
Children came into school wearing their odd socks to remind us that we are all unique. We discussed kind and unkind behaviours and what to do if we need help because someone is being unkind.
Fine motor skills fun
Sitting outside under the shelter, the children braved the rain as they explored how to join materials using screws. They enjoyed using screwdrivers and spanners to tighten and loosen the bolts.
Counting, recognising and ordering numbers to 5
The children are working hard to build on their counting skills.
Remembrance Day
Supertato to the rescue!
We love reading and this week we’ve enjoyed a book by one of our favourite authors, Sue Hendra. The children used lots of skills as they made their own Supertato characters.
Blending and segmenting
The children are impressing us with their growing independence as they develop their segmenting and blending skills in the areas of provision. Amazing work Reception!
Marvellous Maths
This week the children are exploring number 4. They are learning to recognise different representations of number 4 and discuss more than, fewer than and equal to 4.
Healthy: Inside and Out
We have started the new half term with activities to promote health and well being. We read the story ‘I’m Special I’m Me!’ and talked about how we are all unique. The children enjoyed looking at themselves in the mirror and discovering what is the same and what is different compared to their friend. The children shared ideas about what makes them feel happy.
We have been so impressed with the creativity of the children in the painting area. We definitely have some future artists to be proud of 🎨🧑🏽🎨🖌
All the children have really enjoyed our daily Little Wandle phonics lessons. Just look at the super blending and segmenting that has been taking place! We have been impressed with all their hard work.
Celebrating the work of Alma Thomas
Today we learnt about the artist Alma Thomas. We looked at her fabulous artwork and tried to create it in different media. Just look what a brilliant job we’ve done!
Outdoor area fun
We are enjoying building our friendships and exploring the equipment outside.
Matching and comparing
In maths we have been looking carefully at objects to see if they are the same or different. We have also started to compare small groups of objects and decide if there are more, fewer or the same number. This week we read the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and sorted bears by size. We used size vocabulary such as small, medium-sized and large to describe them.
We have had a fabulous first few weeks in Reception. The children have settled in really well and are now familiar with the routines and expectations of the school day. Lots of new friendships are beginning to grow and we have lots of happy smiley faces. We are very proud of them all 🌈🌟