Welcome to Year 1's class page. The children have settled very well into their new classroom and have been busy learning lots of new things. We are very lucky to be supported by Miss Dearlove, Mrs Mellies, Miss Delaney and Miss Ash.
Please keep checking for updates, messages and support materials for your child.
Thank you,
Mrs Newlands and Mrs Coleman :)
Staff in Year 1
1LN - Mrs Newlands
1JC - Mrs Coleman
Support staff:
Mrs Young (reading)
1LN - Miss Dearlove and Mrs Mellies
1JC - Miss Delaney and Miss Ash
Miss Margiotta and Mrs Bell will also teach the children on a Tuesday
Take a look at our work. Click on the pictures!
Our curriculum overview for the year
Summer 1
Our topic for this half term is...Ship Ahoy!
The 'big question' we are investigating is... How does a ship sail?
Spring 2
Our topic for this half term is...All Things Bright and Beautiful
The 'big question' we are investigating is... Why is our world full of wonder?
Spring 1
Our topic for this half term is...Destination Outer Space!
The 'big question' we are investigating is... Is there anyone out there?
Autumn 2
Our topic for this half term is...Into the Woods...
The 'big question' we are investigating is... What would the Gruffalo find in the woods?
Autumn 1
Our topic for this half term is...Incredible ME!
The 'big question' we are investigating is... Who am I?