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Week 8

Hello again Year 6, 


How are you all doing? We hope that everyone is managing to stay at home and stay safe!


This week we are going to give you a few ideas which would finish off our last topic of WWII.

We are also updating Seesaw regularly and that is the best way to show us what you have been up to- please keep sharing comments, videos and photographs as much as possible. 


The role of women during WWII


  • Research the different jobs that women were required to do as part of the war effort. The role of everyone during the war was of amazing importance in keeping spirits high and keeping Britain moving forward. 
  • Create a poster (electronic or handwritten), a PowerPoint, a factfile or your own reading comprehension based upon Women during World War 2. 


British vs German aircraft during WWII

  • Read through the attached PowerPoint which shows images of the iconic British and German aircraft during the war. We started to learn a little bit about how the battle was brought to the skies (remember the Blitz?) but this will give you the chance to explore further. 
  • Draw images of the planes and create a comparison sheet! 
  • Write a short story from the perspective of a fighter pilot. Could you imagine that you are being trained? In a battle against the German Luftwaffe? Look at this short video clip of the spitfire to help you! 


We also want to remind you of some fantastic online learning resources for you to explore. 


For maths, the white rose website is brilliant and is updated weekly! You can watch videos to help you keep up to date and for a bit more of a structured lesson at home. 


For maths, English and the wider curriculum, both the Oak National Academy website and BBC Bitesize are well-stocked with wonderful videos and activities to help you prepare for Year 7 as well as keeping your brains active.


Remember to also spend time looking after yourself and your family, both physically and mentally. Long hours staring at a screen won't help anyone! Our only expectation is that you give different activities a try and do a bit of home learning each day. Refer back to our main Y6 home learning page for lots of ideas to keep your minds healthy. 


We hope we can see you soon! 

Miss Buxton and Miss Garner laugh
