Welcome to the class page for 2KJ!
Here you will see all the fantastic work we have been doing each half term.
We reminded ourselves of the school rules, how to show 5 and together, we wrote a mission statement for the year. We all signed it to agree that we will try our best to stick to what we have written.
Our topic for Autumn 1 is....
Brilliant Bugs!
What would the world be like without insects?
Reading for Pleasure!
At story time, we have been reading Harry the Poisonous Centipede by Lynne Reid Banks.
The children have listened so carefully and have been very keen to hear the next chapter to find out more about the adventures that Harry and his friend George get up to.
In our science lessons we have started to learn about habitats and the basic needs of the animals that live in them. We learnt that animals need air, food, water, shelter and a place to raise their young to survive in their habitats. We made a snail habitat for our classroom and collected lots of things to make the snails comfortable.
Science - We went into our school forest garden to search for different minibeasts in their microhabitats. We looked under rocks and stones, in the grass, on plant leaves and under bits of wood and twigs. We found lots and lots of minibeasts and recorded them in a tally chart.
Geography - We were learning to locate landmarks within our school grounds on an aerial map. We looked at an aerial view of school, then we went outside with our clipboards and found the places we had seen on the map. We were excited to see what signs/creatures we could find in those places.
The children were so excited for a surprise that came to school this week. Zoolab came and brought some very interesting creatures for the children to hold or touch (only if they wanted to) and learn so much information about.
The children were so brave and very keen to hold the creatures. They were very careful and handled them all so gently - followed by hand sanitiser and hand washing too!
They listened to the lady really carefully and learnt lots of new facts about the giant African snail, giant millipede, giant hissing cockroach, a corn snake and a very hairy tarantula!
The excitement you can see on their faces in the pictures was so genuine and they really enjoyed their afternoon experience.