Hola Year 5! ¿Has estado aprendiendo español en Duo?
How did your week go last week? Did you manage to write some exciting stories? We can't wait
to read them when you're back in school! It looks like the weather is meant to be nice this week so we hope you all manage to get outside if you can.
How are you all getting on with your home learning packs? We have some more activities for you this week, but as always remember to do what you can do and try not to get worried if you find something a bit difficult. Try your best and get your parents to write you a note in your exercise book if there was a particular area you need a bit more help with, okay?
This week we have a variety of activities for you to do - remember to record your work in your exercise books. It doesn't matter which order you do them in. Please remember to keep reading, practising your spellings on SpellingShed and remember to do another handwriting task (on the main Home Learning page).
This week you are continuing your work on decimals. Visit the website: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/ to access your learning.
As always - good luck! Do what you can do, but remember don't worry if there is anything you are struggling with! Ask your parents/carers to write a note in your exercise book and we will know what to help you with when we see you again!
Continue join in with Joe Wick's live P.E lessons everyday if you can.
Who had a go at Oti Mabuse's dance classes last week? If you enjoyed them remember to go back and do some more of those too!
Easter fun
Why not try some of the activities in the document below? If you're bored doing these activities may make you feel better - you can even get your family to join in with some of them! If you can it would be great to take some photos of the things you are doing and share them with us - either in your exercise books or on Seesaw. We can't wait to see them