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Welcome to our Nursery page   





Information for Parents

Staff in Nursery


Teacher - Mrs Mullarkey

Support Staff - Mrs Hall and Mrs Kay

Mrs Bell will also be teaching in Nursery on a Thursday.


On this page we hope to share information about what we have been learning, photographs, comments and pieces of work with you.

Summer 2:  Fairy Tales

                     Who’s afraid of the

                     big bad wolf?

Our Fairy Tale Display Boards in Nursery

Mark making on a big scale outside.

The children enjoyed working on the big easel in the Outdoor Area and on the huge whiteboards.  

Printing and painting our trolls

under their bridges.

Building a tower in the Construction Area

Reading in our tent

Painting outside

Reading our fairy tale books

Summer 1:  Minibeasts

                     Are all minibeasts scary?


Our Creative Area Display

The beautiful butterflies

being released.

Mrs Mullarkey took the butterfly net home

for the half term holiday.  

Some of the butterflies have left their chrysalises

and are enjoying some nectar and apple.

Visiting a virtual butterfly world

We have been measuring 

caterpillars using cubes.

We have been exploring and learning

about minibeasts in our tuff tray. 

Enjoying a ladybird maths game

Searching for minibeasts

in our Outdoor Area.

Outdoor Fun

Searching for 2D shapes

Creating caterpillars and painting butterflies


We are going to watch our own caterpillars 🐛 change into butterflies 🦋

Our spider printing 🕷


Spring 2:  Wheels

                  Why are wheels round?

This is our lovely creative display.


‘We keep learning like

wheels keep turning’ and we think it looks amazing!

Making trains outside 

For our Mother’s Day

presents we planted sunflower seeds.  

We hope they all grow.  🌻

World Book Day 

Thursday 4th March 2021

We enjoyed wearing our pyjamas for World Book Day.

The children enjoy working on the 

maths magnetic whiteboard.

All aboard the Nursery train!

 Have you got your ticket?

Choo choo!

Beautiful daffodils painted by

the Nursery children

The beautiful daffodil paintings were photocopied to make into Mother’s Day cards.  They looked lovely and the children planted sunflower seeds in a cup as a little present too.

We went on a rather chilly spring walk and saw some lovely signs of spring ...

We have been very busy creating

our own wheels.

Exploring shapes on the light box 

Spring 1:  Bears

                  Do you want to go on a bear


Making the dough

Rolling the dough and using the

bear shaped cutter

Chinese New Year

Autumn 2:  Colours, Patterns and Sounds


                    What is your favourite colour?

Our Nursery Christmas Party 2020

The children made their own party crowns ready for our Christmas Party.


They enjoyed dancing before sitting down together for our Christmas Party food.  🎉 

Science Day in Nursery

Tuesday 15th December 2020

The children made brilliant scientists and even wore white lab coats!

Colour mixing using paints. 

We have enjoyed making our

own clay hedgehogs 🦔 


We pushed matchsticks into our clay to make our hedgehogs’ spines.  They felt quite prickly!  The clay was very smooth and cold.  


What could we make next?

Our Elmer and Wilbur display

We used the rollerball paints to write the initial letters of our names.  We think they look brilliant!

We went on a Wilbur search in our Outdoor Area after reading the story

Elmer and Wilbur.


In the story Wilbur had been hiding from Elmer and was found stuck up a tree! 

The children thought the story was funny and then enjoyed making their marks on paper every time they found a picture of Wilbur in the Outdoor Area.

"I found one!" the children kept shouting.

Children in Need 2020

The children enjoyed coming to school in their pyjamas to celebrate ‘Children in Need’ today, Friday 13th November 2020.

Do you like our mark making?  

The children are enjoying making their marks outside on the whiteboard, black paper, white paper, on coloured paper on the clipboards and on the easel.  They have used felt-tip pens, crayons, chalks and whiteboard pens.

Remembrance Day Poppies

Inspired by the Elmer books

we have been reading

the children used different tools and objects to make marks on their

own Elmer elephants.  

Printing with Potatoes

Investigating in Nursery

Autumn 1:   Settling In, All About Me


                     Who looks after me?

We are having so much fun at nursery and making lots of new friends.  

Black History Day in Nursery

Thursday 22nd October 2020

Using natural materials to make faces and houses.

Our fairy garden in the nursery garden

Working on the big whiteboard in our Outdoor Area



In the Forest Garden
