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Year 5 Archive: 2015-2016

Staff in Year 5

Teachers - Miss Geldard and Mr Cave

Support staff - Mrs Watson and Mrs Taylor

Robinwood Residential Letter

Today in Year 5, as part of our Young Leaders Award we went on a walk around Bramley. Our task during the walk was to identify places where people gather and places that provide services for the community. Some of the places we came across were: the school, the library, the shopping center, the park, a community charity and many more places.

On our walk we were also gathering evidence of things that we think could be improved in our local community. Unfortunately we came across a lot of litter on our walk, some overgrown areas, graffiti and  areas that were not being looked after as they should be. Some of these things we have identified as things we could try to improve to make a difference to our community. 

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