On Our Way!
The children have had fun learning about our topic 'On Our Way'. Today we made vehicles in the outdoor area using tyres and reels. We sang The Wheels on the Bus and explored number by counting how many passengers were on the bus and how many got on/off at each stop.
Water Area
What a brilliant afternoon exploring filling and emptying containers in the water area. The children worked together to make some slopes, using guttering and stands. They took it in turns to pour water down the slope. We then had a race to see which team could get the fish into the 'pond' the quickest.
The Great Hot Air Balloon Adventure
The children have enjoyed lots of different Hot Air Balloon activities within provision this week, linked to our book of the week 'The Great Hot Air Balloon Adventure'. Take a look at our amazing hot air balloons which children created in the playdough area. Children used tweezers to add beads and pebbles to their balloons.
Sponsored Run
Well done to all the boys and girls who completed the Sponsored Run, helping to raise money for the 'Living Eggs Unique 10 day Chick Hatching Experience’. This is where eggs are sent within specialist incubation equipment. The experience involves the children being able to witness the eggs hatching and then spending time looking after the chicks in their first few days. This experience will be linked with our topic ‘Down on the Farm with Julia Donaldson’ in Summer 1 and will enable children to develop their understanding of the world by:
We are all very proud of our Galley Poetry Award winner 2020. What a brilliant poem, 'Halfway Down the Stairs'.
World Book Day
We had lots of fun today, reading lots of stories and learning about different authors. Our parents joined us for Stay and Read this morning and we shared stories and wrote book reviews. Mrs Esplin came round to ring the bell for Drop Everything and Read. We all stopped what we were doing and chose a book to read.
Miss Rodwell recommends: Supertato Carnival Catastro-Pea by Sue Hendra.
Mrs Varley recommends: The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr.
Our trip to Eureka!
We all had a brilliant day at Eureka! We walked down to Bramley train station and got on the 10.18am train the Halifax. We waited patiently on the platform as our train was slightly delayed! When we arrived, Miss Rodwell went to meet the team. We then had our lunch inside the cafe before exploring the Sound and Space Gallery. We then had our focused time in the Living and Working Together Gallery. We spent time in the Bank, Post Office, Marks and Spencers and the Garage. We then got to explore the All About Me Gallery, learning about our bodies. We then said goodbye to the Eureka! team and got on the coach back to school.
Making Maps
Today the children enjoyed drawing their own maps for the journey of The Hundred Decker Bus. Children wrote captions:
'The bus went over the pond and it floated' - FE
'The bus went under the bridge' - EG
'The bus went past the mountains' - IW
'The bus went near the city' - HH
'The bus went up the hill' - AN
Meet our Girl Band!
The children are becoming very creative using the loose parts to represent their own ideas through role-play. We now have our very own girl band! We loved listening to them sing songs, including Shotgun by George Ezra. What a brilliant performance girls!
The children have been super busy today making marks and writing within the areas of provision, writing stories, making signs and drawing pictures. Take a look at the 'hands off' poster created by LM to use in the small world area when making her magical world. What a brilliant idea!
The children enjoyed a 'Wonderful World' walk, showing care and concern for our environment and living things. We are beginning to talk about Easter exploring our key question this half term: 'Why Christians put a cross on an Easter garden?'. Today the children enjoyed tasting Hot Cross Buns. We talked about what the cross on the bun symbolises.
Making Marks
Children have enjoyed using water and paintbrushes to explore writing and making marks outside. This is a simple activity which children could try at home!
FW - 'I can write my name. Look its a capital F'
JL - 'Box and fox. They rhyme'
Sit on Scooters
The children have had lots of fun on our new sit on scooters. These are brilliant for keeping children active and developing strength. Children used chalk to draw their own pathways and carefully navigated their way around the outdoor area.
Science Day 2020
What a brilliant day we had being scientists! Today we completed our Slippery Slope investigation, using liquids to test how quickly they travel. We first looked at solids and liquids, working in pairs to sort out pictures. Next we made predictions, which liquid will travel the quickest? Which liquid will travel the slowest? Children got to feel the different liquids; water, oil, washing up liquid, golden syrup and shaving foam.
In the afternoon, it was time for us to experiment. Children worked together to build a slope and test each liquid by pouring it down the slope. We used the iPads to time how long it took each liquid to travel down the slope. Children recorded our results on a table.
Take a look at the booklet below to see what other science activities you could try at home!
Cutting Skills
We have been developing our cutting skills today by cutting out different shapes to make dinosaurs. Please help your child develop their scissor skills at home by supporting them to use scissors for different activities.
Our Wow Wall
Book Reviews
The children have been busy writing book reviews this week. Take a look at our cosy reading corner and quiet space where children have been reading and writing about our brilliant books.
Please ask your child's class teacher if you would like some blank book reviews to take home and complete! We would love to see what stories you are reading at home.
Higgledy Piggledy Nativity
It was bedlam down at the stable. It was nearly time for bed and all the animals wanted to sleep in there.
Wow! What a performance. The children wowed everybody with their clear voices and brilliant singing and dancing. Well done reception.
Christmas Party
The children had a brilliant time at their Christmas party. They enjoyed, party games, face paint and party food.
Phonics Workshop 20.11.19
Thank you to the parents and grandparents who joined us for our phonics workshop.
Did you find the phonics workshop useful?
'Yes it has been very useful, especially learning about the structure of how the children learn and how we can help with that'
'It was very informative'
'Yes, I have learnt a lot more on how phonics works'
'It covered all the questions I had and had some useful tips and advice'
'Just good all round'
We raised £20.20 - Well done RJR
Visions and Values
Creating patterns
Scissor skills
Writing sounds in glitter
Painting with conkers
Name writing
How do we show 5?