Summer 1
Wild in Africa!
Our Big Question: What is it like to live in Africa?
Spring 2
All Things Bright and Beautiful...
Why is our world a place of wonder?
Year 1 will be observing plants and their flowers. They will learn about nurturing them and show care for the world around them.
Spring 1
Bramley and Beyond!
Big Question - Is there anyone out there?
Year 1 will be travelling to outer space this half term.
We will DISCOVER who Neil Armstrong was, and compare him to Mae Jemison, Helen Sharman and Tim Peake.
We will also be thinking about how we can NURTURE and RESPECT our planet
Autumn 2
Into the woods...
Big Question - What would the Gruffalo find in the woods?
Autumn 1
Incredible ME!
Big Question - Who am I?